For the player to work with Spotify, the WebNowPlaying plugin must be installed.hello, ive been using rainmeter for months for a theme i customized back on march. today i decided to go on a new frutiger theme.
ive been aiming to a minimalist but captures the windows vista's vibes. i browsed for music widgets and found this:
i was traumatize when i did my former music widget, bc i literally didnt know what i was doing back then and then after hours of trying, suddenly it just connected with my spotify lol. now, i would rather follow a set of instruction rather than waste time. please assist me which part of the gadget i should tweak to connect it with my account, thank you!
Install WebNowPlayingRedux2.0.7.rmskin and the plugin will be installed automatically:
Then to all measures where you see:
replace with
Finally save, refresh the skin and the player will work with Spotify
Statistics: Posted by xenium — Yesterday, 5:58 pm