After eventually testing what I proposed above, I noticed that you'd still get a "Not enough substrings" warning in the log. To suppress that, you could add a LogSubstringErrors=0 to the measure throwing that warning.
Note to the developers: the manual is incorrect when mentioning that "this option is set on the parent WebParser measure" - this should be set on whatever WebParser measure throwing the warning, regardless if that measure is a parent or a child one. I've noticed that in the past too, just didn't get the opportunity to report it.![Wink ;-)]()
Note to the developers: the manual is incorrect when mentioning that "this option is set on the parent WebParser measure" - this should be set on whatever WebParser measure throwing the warning, regardless if that measure is a parent or a child one. I've noticed that in the past too, just didn't get the opportunity to report it.

Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Today, 2:05 am