If I understand this correctly, there are at least 2 ways of doing what you want:
- use a single variable (or Calc measure) that is set to the desired incremented value in the OnUpdateAction of the preceding meter, while adding a 0 or 1 value based on whether it's day or night
- name your meters in an indexed fashion and use this Lua function I wrote to find / compute the desired value based on the "current section index":
As for the image errors, this could be eliminated by using an always existing "default" image in your meters for when the (WebParser, I suppose) measures that provide the path to the images have empty values. If those measures are enabled, you could add a (RegExp) Substitute of "^$":"FullPathAndNameOfYourDefaultImageHere" to them. If not, you could set the ImageName directly on your meters from the OnUpdateAction of the WebParser parent measure, and set that back to your child measures after they're enabled in the parent's FinishAction (this would require you to use the value from the UpdateRate of the parent in its UpdateDivider, and use 1 in the UpdateRate option, as well as also !UpdateMeasure the parent before !CommandMeasure
it to "Update" when manually updating it, though, to guarantee that the parent is updated like a regular measure before going to retrieve its data in its specific update command).
- use a single variable (or Calc measure) that is set to the desired incremented value in the OnUpdateAction of the preceding meter, while adding a 0 or 1 value based on whether it's day or night
- name your meters in an indexed fashion and use this Lua function I wrote to find / compute the desired value based on the "current section index":
As for the image errors, this could be eliminated by using an always existing "default" image in your meters for when the (WebParser, I suppose) measures that provide the path to the images have empty values. If those measures are enabled, you could add a (RegExp) Substitute of "^$":"FullPathAndNameOfYourDefaultImageHere" to them. If not, you could set the ImageName directly on your meters from the OnUpdateAction of the WebParser parent measure, and set that back to your child measures after they're enabled in the parent's FinishAction (this would require you to use the value from the UpdateRate of the parent in its UpdateDivider, and use 1 in the UpdateRate option, as well as also !UpdateMeasure the parent before !CommandMeasure
it to "Update" when manually updating it, though, to guarantee that the parent is updated like a regular measure before going to retrieve its data in its specific update command).
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Today, 6:47 am