Ah, yes. Thanks for the example code, which really helps to understand.Well, I mentioned this earlier:
but since my own attempt to verbalize it wasn't that effective and code is probably easier to understand, here's what I had in mind...
The above could have been done differently and use your mtrDaily...DayIcon / mtrDaily...NightIcon, but then, since the meters weren't named consecutively, you had to use the names of the Period... measures instead of the #CURRENTSECTION# name of the meters, therefore not being able to use a common style for the meters. I only posted this to illustrate how such an approach would have looked like, feel free to use what jsmorley recommended, it's more or less based on the same principle anyway.
Also, since we're at it, here's how this approach without Lua:
would have looked like (again, measures are just replicas, the styles and meters are the key)...

Statistics: Posted by qwerky — Yesterday, 11:06 pm