I have issue with full screen gaming that rainmeter goes off. So on 7 inch monitor i have Reinmeter widgets. I play games on second monitor. i want to use feature that when full screen games is on the main monitor so widgets goes off on second one. But i have no idea how to this when rainmeter is on another monitor. What settings i should put so Rainmeter detect full screen game on second monitor??
I have issue with full screen gaming that rainmeter goes off. So on 7 inch monitor i have Reinmeter widgets. I play games on second monitor. i want to use feature that when full screen games is on the main monitor so widgets goes off on second one. But i have no idea how to this when rainmeter is on another monitor. What settings i should put so Rainmeter detect full screen game on second monitor??
Statistics: Posted by aureum — Today, 8:23 am