Well, the technique is certainly smart, but I'm not sure it is really necessary:So we could just try a color matrix on it instead..Only to find out that we get the same result...Code:
[Test]Meter=ImageMeterStyle=ImageStyleImageName=#@#bg.png;We set 1 on all 3 Red color channels:ColorMatrix1=1;0;0;0;0ColorMatrix2=1;0;0;0;0ColorMatrix3=1;0;0;0;0
The color looks much better, but not quite what we want.
So what you guys think? Have you used this technique before? Just wanted to share it here since it can be useful on many situations.
I don't know if it's what you envisioned, but if it is, I would suggest making yourself a test skin for the color matrix options (say, one where you can scroll to change each of the 25 values), so you can understand better what each of those values does. Personnally, I never truly understood practically what each value did until I used a matrix where I could change the values at will (I limited the change between -9.99 and 9.99 in my case, which was the plain Rainmeter version of this, which I can't post here since it's 9 GB of images - but you can see the little colored color matrix panels at the bottom of the screenshot).
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — 15 minutes ago