That is normal behavior for the plugin; it saves the cover image in Rainmeter's temp area and will display that image until it is replaced.
When playing, your [M_Cover] meter uses the MeasureName=MeasureCover; this will take precedent over any ImageName setting in the meter.
You can override that by testing the Duration measure's String value; It is "00:00" when no video is playing.
Use an IfMatch to check for that string value and take actions to change the cover meter to use your ImageName={youtnocoverimage} and set the MeasureName="" when nothing is playing.
Something like this: The downside of this method is that your nocover image will appear for second when the video changes images.
When playing, your [M_Cover] meter uses the MeasureName=MeasureCover; this will take precedent over any ImageName setting in the meter.
You can override that by testing the Duration measure's String value; It is "00:00" when no video is playing.
Use an IfMatch to check for that string value and take actions to change the cover meter to use your ImageName={youtnocoverimage} and set the MeasureName="" when nothing is playing.
Something like this:
[Duration]Measure=PluginPlugin=WebNowPlayingPlayerType=DurationRegExpSubstitute=1Substitute="(?<!\d)(\d)(?!\d)":"0\1"DynamicVariables=1IfMatch="00:00"IfMatchAction=[!SetOption M_Cover MeasureName ""][!SetOption M_Cover ImageName "#@#Images\NoCover.png"][!UpdateMeter M_Cover][!Redraw]IfNotMatchAction=[!SetOption M_Cover MeasureName "MeasureCover"][!SetOption M_Cover ImageName ""][!UpdateMeter M_Cover][!Redraw]...[M_Cover]Meter=ImageMeasureName=MeasureCoverX=([BG:X])Y=([BG:Y])W=([BG:W])H=([BG:H])PreserveAspectRatio=1ImageName=
Statistics: Posted by eclectic-tech — 7 minutes ago