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Bugs & Feature Suggestions • Re: [Bug] !SetAnchor bang doesnt work to set anchor of inactive skins

I'm fairly certain this was not a limitation in prior releases.

Can anyone else confirm? Latest August 8th version.

!SetWindowPosition is also a problem.
I'm currently polishing a music playing skin I wrote, so I use this Rainmeter version, but I don't see any obvious issues with !SetWindowPosition, neither from the same skin (the controlled one) or from another one (the controlling one) - but then I don't know exactly what to look for either...

[SkinsFolder]\Test\Test.ini (the controlling skin):


[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1---Meters---[Image]Meter=ImageW=100H=100SolidColor=255,0,0,255LeftMouseUpAction=[!SetWindowPosition "(#SCREENAREAX#+#SCREENAREAWIDTH#-#CURRENTCONFIGX#)R" "(#CURRENTCONFIGY#)" "(#CURRENTCONFIGWIDTH#)R" "0" "Test2"]RightMouseUpAction=[!SetWindowPosition "(#CURRENTCONFIGX#)" "(#CURRENTCONFIGY#)" "0" "0" "Test2"]DynamicVariables=1
[SkinsFolder]\Test\Test2.ini (the controlled skin):


[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1---Meters---[String]Meter=StringW=300H=300FontFace=Segoe UIFontSize=11FontColor=255,255,255,255Text=SetAnchor testSolidColor=0,0,0,255AntiAlias=1ClipString=1MouseScrollUpAction=[!SetOption String W ([String:W]+20)][!UpdateMeter *][!Redraw]MouseScrollDownAction=[!SetOption String W ([String:W]-20)][!UpdateMeter *][!Redraw]DynamicVariables=1[Click]Meter=ShapeX=([String:XW]-[Click:W])Y=0Shape=Rectangle 0,0,40,40,0 | Fill Color 0,200,0 | StrokeWidth 0LeftMouseUpAction=[!SetWindowPosition "(#SCREENAREAX#+#SCREENAREAWIDTH#-#CURRENTCONFIGX#)R" "(#CURRENTCONFIGY#)" "(#CURRENTCONFIGWIDTH#)R" "0"]RightMouseUpAction=[!SetWindowPosition "(#CURRENTCONFIGX#)" "(#CURRENTCONFIGY#)" "0" "0"]DynamicVariables=1
I used the sample code from Crest here, with the changes I advised on at the time, for the controlled skin. Didn't bother to change those mouse actions when I pasted them in the controlling skin (red square), so yeah, the controlled one (green square in black square) will align with the controlling one in one way or another (use scrolling on the controlled one to see how). Obviously, the controlled one can set its own position in a similar manner.

Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — 6 minutes ago

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