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Help: Rainmeter Skins • Re: Help me with a progressbar using PNG

EDIT: Code changed to show an example of progress (position) control.

To use a PNG image as a progress bar you will need to create an image with the exact width and height dimensions required in your skin because BarImages cannot be resized: See BarImage Details

I created an image close to the size used in your skin progress as a test named "701BarW.png".
Save this image in the same folder as this example code to test.

Here is an example code for a controlled position (progress) using that image as the BarImage.
Set to work with Winamp; you need to change [MeasureNowPlaying] section from 'PlayerName=Winamp' to 'PlayerName={yoursupportedplayer}'. Save and refresh.


[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[Metadata]Name=ExampleMeterBarAuthor=Eclectic TechInformation=Example of the Bar meter Position ControlLicense=Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0Version=1.1; Change the 'PlayerName' in this section to your supported player (See NowPlaying docs)[MeasureNowPlaying]Measure=NowPlayingPlayerName=WinampPlayerType=Title; OPTIONS; Artist: Track artist.; Album: Current album.; Title: Track title.; Number: Track number.; Year: Track year.; Genre: Track genre.; Cover: Path to cover art.; File: Path to the playing media file.; Duration: Total length of track in seconds.; Position: Current position in track in seconds.; Progress: Percentage of track completed.; Rating: Rating of current track (0 to 5).; Repeat: 0 if repeat/loop track is off, 1 if on.; Shuffle: 0 if shuffle/random tracks is off, 1 if on.; State: 0 for stopped, 1 for playing, and 2 for paused.; Status: 0 for inactive (player closed) and 1 for active (player open).; Volume: From 0 to 100.; Documentation: https://docs.rainmeter.net/manual-beta/measures/nowplaying/[MeasureNowPlayingProgress]Measure=NowPlayingPlayerName=[MeasureNowPlaying]PlayerType=Progress[MeterText]Meter=StringY=10RFontSize=11FontColor=255,255,255,255AutoScale=1AntiAlias=1Text=Progress: [MeasureNowPlayingProgress:0]%DynamicVariables=1[MeterBar]MeasureName=MeasureNowPlayingProgressMeter=BarY=3RW=701H=46BarImage=701BarW.pngSolidColor=150,150,150,255BarOrientation=HorizontalLeftMouseUpAction=[!CommandMeasure "MeasureNowPlaying" "SetPosition $MouseX:%$"]MouseScrollUpAction=[!CommandMeasure "MeasureNowPlaying" "SetPosition +10"]MouseScrollDownAction=[!CommandMeasure "MeasureNowPlaying" "SetPosition -10"]
Left click to set position percentage. Scroll to change position +/- 10%.
Click on image to see actions.
Hope this helps you with your project.

Statistics: Posted by eclectic-tech — Today, 5:28 am

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