I didn't read all the specifics in the other thread, but I will try to answer your questions.
The entire purpose the IconPath in FileView is to save the ICON associated with the Index to a custom location. This is useful for 2 reasons. First, organizing your skin folders and files. Saving the icons to the skin folder is just the default location. Second, and MOST important, 2 (or more) parent FileView measures in the SAME skin will overwrite the same icons (icon1, icon2, ...) when they update. Obvisously that is bad, so you can use a custom location in this situation (which might be rare).
Here is a simple test skin showing the purpose:
For Skin1, It loads C:\Windows\ and shows the first 4 files. You can see the icons saved in the main skin folder.
Skin2 shows the IconPath option. It loads C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\ and saves the icons in the #@#Icons\Skin2 folder.
Skin3 shows the conflict with using 2 parent FileView and icons. This skin loads both folders from Skin1 and Skin2...but saves the icons to the default location. You can see the issue with the icons.
That is all that IconPath does. Nothing fancy. It just provides a way to save the ICON associated with the Index to a custom location instead of the default location.
No. FileView does nothing with icons EXCEPT to save the icon ASSOCIATED with the Index to a file that Rainmeter can read.After re-reading the mess that came before, I have gathered that this is actually used to define custom icons, yes or no?
The plugin gets ICONS only. There is no conversion to other formats (such as jpg, png, etc.). Now, you may specify a .png (or whatever) extension and Windows and Rainmeter (and other programs) will show it...but the saved ICON is technically still in ICO format.From that thread, it was mentioned that the custom icons can be in jpg, png, ico formats. As I already am using jpg for the covers, it makes sense to use these for the icons too.
I didn't try your code since it's only partially there. The [m1] should return the path to the saved icon. That's all. Then you can display that icon in your skin with an image meter.The Measure [m1Name] is returning an actual string value, but the [m1] IconPath won't show that string. Is what I'm trying to do not possible, or is it that I am doing it wrong?
The entire purpose the IconPath in FileView is to save the ICON associated with the Index to a custom location. This is useful for 2 reasons. First, organizing your skin folders and files. Saving the icons to the skin folder is just the default location. Second, and MOST important, 2 (or more) parent FileView measures in the SAME skin will overwrite the same icons (icon1, icon2, ...) when they update. Obvisously that is bad, so you can use a custom location in this situation (which might be rare).
Here is a simple test skin showing the purpose:
For Skin1, It loads C:\Windows\ and shows the first 4 files. You can see the icons saved in the main skin folder.
Skin2 shows the IconPath option. It loads C:\Program Files\Rainmeter\ and saves the icons in the #@#Icons\Skin2 folder.
Skin3 shows the conflict with using 2 parent FileView and icons. This skin loads both folders from Skin1 and Skin2...but saves the icons to the default location. You can see the issue with the icons.
That is all that IconPath does. Nothing fancy. It just provides a way to save the ICON associated with the Index to a custom location instead of the default location.
Statistics: Posted by Brian — Today, 6:22 am