Only the String measures have one valid option (other than the "general measure" options which are valid for all measures, that is), but other measures have more than one "measure specific" option. Yeah, there are usually more ways to do something - it takes a little while till one gets familiar with what are the best choices for what he aims, so no need to worry, it's natural.You are correct Yincognito, and this was the source of my confusion. From what I've read and understood Measure do only have one valid option. But what I did worked. Yes, the Refresh thing is still an issue, but I'll work on that later. But if you look at my original post, what I wanted to do should be very simple. I already have measures that read the City, State and Country data from the Web Parser (from a weather script). So now I'm wondering if I haven't made this too hard (and incorrect), and I could have just defined the variables like City=[MeasureCity] in the file. I don't know. Still playing with it. This is how I learn, trial and error. So any help/guidance is appreciated.
Not sure about your exact scenario, but from what you described until now, it would indeed probably be easier and potentially more feasible to define and then write back these variables separately in when they change, after all, you could concatenate them at any time afterwards and manipulate that value as needed, if you really want that.
If not, make sure you experiment with balala's advice too, it's excellent, though the choice you'll make is mostly dependent on what exactly want to happen and your skin's (.inis and .incs) structure. I get that you want the skin to "remember" the last used location for the retrieved weather (so you can use it the next time the skin is loaded or refreshed, maybe), but what's not clear for now is what are those "other scripts" that you need to use that concatenated location value and why you need the said value in the first place given that you (should) already have / stored / saved via defining / ! SetVariable/ !WriteKeyValue the 3 separate ones that you can manage as needed.
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Today, 12:11 am